hiv screening singapore

Would you want to understand your HIV status? The only way you can know your status is via a HIV test result. Gathering adequate courage to get tested will not be easy. Like many individuals you could forget of a positive result. Despite feeling scared you should be tested to have peace of mind. Besides if you should be found positive you is likely to be given counseling and drugs to handle your illness. Also it is essential to understand that should you were can be found positive you'd not be alone. In the US alone, there are approximately 1.1 million people coping with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. There are four common kinds of HIV tests available today. They range from the following.

Antibody - They are the absolute most preferred tests. They are created to detect the Human Immunodeficiency Virus antibodies. There are two classifications for these tests. The first one is Enzyme immunoassay or EIA antibody HIV test. It uses blood, urine or oral fluid to find the antibodies. An individual must watch for an amount of 14 days to understand their results. Then there are Rapid HIV antibody tests. These use urine, oral fluid or blood. They're the fastest hiv test clinic singapore methods existing today. Email address details are often ready in ten to twenty minutes. If EIA and Rapid HIV antibody tests make a positive outcome, the Western blot test is frequently used to confirm this. You'll know your results after two weeks.

PCR - Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) HIV test can be used to recognize the HIV virus in the blood. It's very efficient even though one is tested in 2 to 3 weeks of infection. Physicians apply this process mainly when testing babies which are born to HIV positive mothers. This is because an infant's blood could have its mother's HIV antibodies for all months. During this period any standard tester for HIV will show a positive result. PCR tests are accustomed to examine the child's blood to ascertain whether it's HIV-positive or HIV-negative.


Antigen - Although very rarely used, an antigen HIV test detects the first stage of a HIV disease. It can detect the virus in the blood after anyone to three weeks to be infected.

Home kits - They are becoming extremely famous today. People utilize them in the home to check whether they have acquired the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Home testing kits are antibody test systems. It's imperative to obtain an FDA-approved home HIV test kit. Some kits will not provide you with a direct outcome though. They will require you to collect and send a blood sample to a laboratory. Then at a later date you is likely to be required to select your result.

In the event that you frequently have intercourse with many partners, it is essential to take a HIV test today. Whether you get tested for free or buy a home testing system the biggest thing is to understand your status. Surviving in denial will not help you at all. If you truly suspect that you've a STD, even if it's HIV, just get tested.