vaginal odor

Is your foul, fishy vaginal odor making you feel ashamed of your body? Do you wish the odor to disappear the moment possible? Wondering if there is truly a solution to eliminate it once and for several without it returning?

Firstly stay assured this is not something to be alarmed about. It is just a common complaint which almost 60-70% of women tolerate during the youngster bearing years. It is just a common symptom of a bacterial vaginal infection, Vaginosis. Other outward indications of this infection include excessive whitish grey vaginal discharge accompanied with itching.

Conventional medications available to deal with vaginal odor unfortunately have only short-term effect. Luckily in case you are desperate to eliminate fishy vaginal odor there are several simple home remedies which can provide you quick relief.

A few natural remedies to stop vaginal odor are.


1. Yogurt is one of many oldest and powerful remedies to deal with this problem. You can make utilization of it for direct vaginal application or use it for oral consumption. Make use of the probiotic variety that's live cultures in it.

2.. Garlic has strong antimicrobial and anti-bacterial properties because of which it is very useful to treat foul odor. It is most beneficial if consumed in raw form or made use for direct vaginal application.

3. Often a weak immune system also results in bacterial infections. Hence it is necessary for you yourself to consume lots of green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits as part of your daily diet to stop vaginal odor completely. You should have a balanced diet consisting of all of the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals to fight the bacteria in charge of the infection.